the Technology of the
Feminine Mysteries to
Activate You In Purpose & Power
Full 90 minute Ceremony
In this inaugural event, Andye shares the technology of the Feminine Mysteries.
The Priestess in her True Feminine Power is undeniable.
She is a force to which you acquiesce. Not because she's domineering but because she is certain and clear in her purpose. That confidence is both beautiful and sexy, simply she shall not be denied.
You’ll learn the Keys of the Feminine Mystery that bless you to :
Have more time, energy, and joy than you knew possible
Trust your Intuition as your #1 Ally
Embrace that Change is Sexy, and always in your Favor
Know your Gold so you can make more money!
Change the world by Awakening your Gold
The true feminine is deep and mysterious, her powers far more powerful than action. Your true gold is in the unseen, in that place that yearns and whispers. When you turn your attention here, everything begins to illuminate differently.
And baby, it’s all possible. You were born for greatness. To bring something to the world as only you can.
You will be guided in ceremony to know the ways of the Feminine Mystery. Far more than just teaching, this recording will give you access to pathways within that change you at the core. The keys of the Feminine Mystery are :
Intuition, your Golden Ally
- the Void, the place of infinite resource
- Your Sacred Yes, the energy that moves you in joy
- Alchemy, the magick of change
- Your Gold, your Purpose & your Power!
Allow yourself to bask in the ceremony, to rekindle the ways of the Priestess within.
These have always been your ways, your gifts, your destiny.